
My name is Ysabel Hudson Searle (candidate number 0331) and this is my Media Studies coursework blog, featuring my ongoing work. I am in Group 2, along with Harry Kettenis (0390), Matthew Romo (1660) and Joshua Stevens (0796). This is the link to our live facebook page: Group 2's Facebook Page.
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Thank you!

Music Video

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Our Album Digipak

Our Album Digipak
Our Album Digipak

Saturday, 4 January 2014


Source: Warner Bros.
Date: 23rd December 2013
Location: Lambeth (Railway bridge)
Audience: Anyone driving or passing by that area - it is pretty impossible to miss.
Unfortunately this image is very unclear and I didn't get the images I had hoped to, as I was in a moving car at the time. However, you can just about make out the four billboard advertisements for The Hobbit. This whole area was just absolutely bombarded with 'The Hobbit' advertisements and the opposite side of this bridge was the similarly set.  Here is a picture of the area itself, and so you can see the amount of billboards available (in this photo similarly, Kick-Ass 2 have taken up all of the billboards) 
Both of these photos were found by myself on Google Maps after I tracked down the location of the photo I took, to enhance my description of the area.


Source: The Works UK
Date: 7th December 2013
Location: Pimlico tube station
Audience: Anyone passing by, commuters, those going out etc.


Source: Warner Bros.
Date: 2nd December 2013 (evening)
Location: Channel 4
Audience: Everyone watching Channel 4


This actually changed several times with different variations of this advertisement, with different characters, like the dragon Smaug and Gandalf.
Source: Warner Bros.
Date: 16th December 2013 (evening)
Location: Covent Gardens tube station (by the lifts)
Audience: Any passers by(as it was by the lifts, anyone standing waiting for a lift would see this), commuters, those going out etc