
My name is Ysabel Hudson Searle (candidate number 0331) and this is my Media Studies coursework blog, featuring my ongoing work. I am in Group 2, along with Harry Kettenis (0390), Matthew Romo (1660) and Joshua Stevens (0796). This is the link to our live facebook page: Group 2's Facebook Page.
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Thursday, 26 September 2013

Opening Scene Analysis of Continuity

127 HOURS 

127 hours starts off with a very interesting, artist concept of splitting the screen into three separate screens. It seems to have the use of shot order in the separate screens, i.e the screens will all show a vast crowd walking, then in another screen it will have a mid-shot and in the other a close-up. This very interesting to watch as an audience member, and in my opinion, adds to the continuity by giving you so many different angles to look at. This does however make you feel less immersed in the story, and more like a spectator.
To contrast, there are a wide range of camera movements used, for instance tracking, whip panning and tilting, and these are all always following the action, which I think really makes the audience involved. Even though you are not seeing it from the main characters (which is established in the following of his routine) point of view, and you are watching this in an abstract way, it almost is better for getting you into the pace, energy and action of the movie.
The main character is established after clips of many other crowds of people, which is done in a very contrasting way, perhaps showing him as a person who 'stands out from thee crowd' and highlighting his importance.
The different and perhaps abstract angles at which the director, or tor has chosen, for example, inside the fridge and cupboard is quite interesting and unusual. There is a point where the camera is places inside a shelf, where his phone is, and all we see is his hand, clearly it is very high up, searching for, we presume, his phone, and he gets very close but doesn't find it and gives up, and for an audience member that is quite aggravating that we can see the phone within his reach, simply he can't. In addition, with this story being very well-known, we are also annoyed because we know that one of the reasons he suffers the way he does, is because he doesn't have his phone, so seeing him so close is quite provocative.
It does tend to jump to different scenes/scenery/sets. At this pace however, I do not think it affects the continuity too prominently in my opinion. An establishment of location is not immediate, and leaves the audience curious, until finally a sign is filmed by the main character, and the main character tells us where he is.
The shots themselves didn't flow together too smoothly at first, again taking away from continuity with a sense of spectator-ship as an audience member. Although, as we see the scenes go on, the shots flow smoothly together.

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